Sunday 21 October 2012

Hearing aids: Financial assistance available

WE THANK Ms Clare Tan for her suggestion ("Allow Medisave use for hearing aids"; Tuesday).

We agree that with an ageing population, there will be greater demand for age-related medical and health-care services. The Ministry of Health (MOH) is working with the relevant agencies to improve our support and assistance to those who need such services.

The Centre for Enabled Living has a fund that provides financial support for those who require hearing aids.

Those who wish to find out more can approach any medical social worker in our public health-care institutions or refer to

Medisave is designed primarily to help cover members' hospitalisation bills.

To ensure that there is sufficient money in each Singaporean's Medisave account for hospitalisation needs, there are safeguards to limit the withdrawals.

We will continue to review our Medisave policies regularly and update them whenever necessary, as part of our mission to make quality health care affordable and accessible to all Singaporeans.

Bey Mui Leng (Ms)
Corporate Communications
Ministry of Health
ST Forum, 20 Oct 2012

Allow Medisave use for hearing aids

I HAVE just been diagnosed with age-related hearing loss in both ears and need to put on a hearing aid.

To my dismay, I found out that I cannot use my Medisave to pay for the hearing aid. According to my audiologist, a hearing aid will not only improve the quality of my social relationships, but also prevent further degeneration of the auditory nerve.

Hearing aids are not cheap - they cost a few thousand dollars a pair.

Fortunately, I am able to afford the cash upfront.

What happens to those who cannot afford to pay the cash upfront?

May I appeal to the Ministry of Health to consider allowing the use of Medisave to claim for hearing aids?

Bearing in mind the ageing population, I can imagine an increase in hearing-related issues.

Clare Tan (Ms)
ST Forum, 16 Oct 2012


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