Monday 28 May 2012

Polyclinic services are heavily subsidised

$37 bill before subsidy: Polyclinic group

WE THANK Mr Lim Ingyew for his letter ('Polyclinic puzzle'; Wednesday).
Polyclinic services are heavily subsidised.

Generally, polyclinic bills will list the actual cost of the services and/or drugs before subsidy, and the amount payable after subsidy.

The $37 cited by Mr Lim is the cost of consultation before subsidy.

All Singaporean patients receive a government subsidy of $26.70 for consultation at the polyclinic and need to pay only $10.30 out-of-pocket at each visit.

Polyclinics operate as one-stop centres, providing a comprehensive array of primary care services, including laboratory services, X-rays, dental, pharmacy and allied health services.

This allows us to be centres of excellence for chronic disease management. With heavy government subsidy, Singaporeans can enjoy the convenience of such multiple services under one roof at very affordable rates.

We wish Mr Lim and his family the very best of health.

Grace Chiang (Ms)
Chief Operating Officer,
National Healthcare Group Polyclinics
ST Forum, 26 May 2012

Polyclinic puzzle

RECENTLY, I accompanied my wife to consult a doctor at Toa Payoh Polyclinic. We spent three hours queueing to see the doctor and collect the medicine.

I was shocked to find out that the consultation fee alone was $37 when making payment.

Upon inquiring at private clinics in my neighbourhood, I was told that their normal consultation fee varies between $20 and $26.

So how did the polyclinic arrive at the $37 figure?

Lim Ingyew
ST Forum, 23 May 2012

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